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Faxing Email Attachments From a Smartphone

Supporting iPhone, Android and BlackBerry

To "print" email attachments you have received to a fax machine, simply forward the email message that contains a document file attachment, from your smartphone (iPhone, Android, or BlackBerry) using these instructions:

  • Send it to: "". That's the WORD "fax", not a fax number. You may add this address to your device address book for easy access.
  • Enter the destination fax number in the Subject field of the email. The fax number should be the only thing in the Subject field. Do not include ANY characters like "FWD:" etc. NO PUNCUATION NEEDED.
  • The attachment will then print out on the destination fax machine in its native format.
  • Fax Support is currently available for the following file types: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat PDF, WordPerfect, Plain Text, TIFF (Groups 3 and 4), Postscript (Apple Laser Writer Plus), RTF, ASCII and HTML files.

[Note: The email address of your wireless device must be your "Registered email Address" with My Docs Online, and the fax feature must be enabled.]

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